Monday, April 25, 2011

Do You Burp A Lot?

If you do, it means you have a bad gallbladder and you should be doing something quickly to get it healthy or you will be having it cut out. Another sign of a bad gallbladder is small bumps on the back of your upper arms. Both are signs that your gallbladder is in trouble. 

Ken had a very bad gallbladder. He's had many gallbladder attacks and they are not fun. He wanted to get it out very badly so he wouldn't have the intense pain of a gallbladder attack anymore. After listening to Dr. Marshall (Healthline) for awhile, I now know how important it is to do everything you can to keep your gallbladder. 

Our gallbladder digests fats and we need good, healthy fats ({organic coconut oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, ghee and butter}. God gave our gallbladder to us for a good reason. I know lots of people live without one, but you should do everything you can to keep it. You will be healthier in the long run.

Ken ate lots of junk {processed food} growing up. That contributes to a bad gallbladder. Whenever people talk about their children burping a lot, I think "bad gallbladder." My children never burped, but I rarely fed them junk so their gallbladders should be healthy. 

Ken went on numerous gallbladder cleanses (here is one) and stopped eating dairy. He rarely has trouble with his gallbladder anymore. He hasn't had an attack in many years. He'll still get a mild stomachache if he eats dairy but nothing like an attack. 

You CAN heal your gallbladder but it will mean a change of diet. It will be worth it. Most people in America want a pill or surgery to make them better instead of making dramatic lifestyle changes that will truly make them better.

***Remember, I'm NOT a doctor. I'm just a homemaker who loves to research 
natural cures and have found many that have worked for my family and me. Information I have given is for educational and informational purposes only and to motivate you to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nothing you read here should be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis or course of treatment.