Thursday, April 9, 2015

What's Your Favorite Thing About Being Married?

You would think that sex would be men's favorite thing about being married and yes, I am sure it is VERY important to the majority of men but sometimes it's the simple things. Sean wrote this about his wife Catherine and his favorite thing about being married to her ~

Every time I leave the house, my sweet wife watches me drive away from our front porch with our dogs by her side. And each time, she gives me the sign language hand signal for "I love you." This may seem a bit cheesy but I can't express how much this simple act of love means to me. It doesn't matter if I'm going to be gone all day working or if I'm going to be gone an hour, she watches me drive away from the porch. And each time I leave the house, I'm left with that image of my beautiful wife telling me she loves me. It makes me all the more eager to get home to her as quickly as possible.

What is your favorite thing about being married? The first thing I tell women when I begin mentoring them is to begin smiling at their husband. In this way, the husband begins to feel that his wife approves of him and this goes a long way for most husbands. They want respect from their wife more than anything else. Catherine makes Sean feel respected and loved when she does this. She cares enough about him that she takes time out of her day to stand on the porch and send her husband off in a cheerful way.

Sean and Catherine have only been married a very short while. Since we've been married over 34 years, I thought I'd ask Ken what his favorite thing about marriage is and he said it was the "connection" {intellectually and physically}; being able to share thoughts, opinions and ideas with each other and of course, sharing the bedroom. The first word that popped into my head was "security." I think most women would agree with me; someone who is committed for life to protect and provide for us, support us and love us until death do us part.

The really sad thing is, however, is I asked Ken what his favorite thing about marriage was when I was such a difficult wife for many years. He responded, "The children since every time I was around you, you'd argue with me or complain about me." I was NO fun for him to be around. Regrets. Yes, this is one of my biggest regrets. When we weren't getting along, my favorite thing about marriage was still security. I was still being protected and provided for. He provided a home for me and gave me children, everything I'd always dreamed of, yet I still treated him with contempt.

Women, I pray your husband's favorite thing about being married to you is more than just the children since the children aren't you; yes, they're a part of you but they aren't you. Too many of us think that once the children come, we can forget about making our husbands happy since the children need us. We decide that we want to be the leader of the home and our husband becomes our child who we can scold and argue with to get our way. 

Please don't live with the regrets that I have. Begin watching your husband leave for work with a big smile on your face and making the sign language for "I love you." Don't fight him about anything. Let him lead, even if he isn't a perfect leader since nobody is one. Learn what pleases him and do it. Make his life with you a happy and enjoyable thing, not a hard and difficult one. 

She does him good, and not harm, 
all the days of her life.
Proverbs 31:12